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Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of purchase from the Al-Abdullatif Furniture Store:

Dear customer, these terms and conditions apply to your use of the website or mobile application (Alabdullatif Furniture Company). By logging into our website, browsing, using or registration therein, you confirm that you have read these terms and conditions and understood its contents and fully agreed thereof. Kindly verify this page regularly to see if our terms and conditions have been updated. Any new terms and conditions came into force when published on this website or mobile application.

Legal Eligibility of the User:

The user acknowledges that he is legally qualified and legally regulated to deal with the store, request services or purchase products, and that he is at least eighteen years old.

Intellectual property:

The website, including all information and its contents such as photographs, images, text, data, backgrounds, symbols, letters, artwork, graphics, page layout, form, music, audio, messages, programs, and code used to create the pages on the website (hereinafter referred to collectively as "materials") is the property of Alabdullatif Furniture Company or protected under intellectual property and other applicable laws.

You may not download, upload, copy, print, display, reproduce, publish, license, distribute or use any of the website's materials, wholly or partially, for any reason other than personal purposes unless under our prior written consent.

We are the owners of any trademarks, trade names, slogans, designs, addresses, or names or registered or unregistered products displayed or to be displayed on the website, and we are also the owners and holders of the copyright license in the materials on the website, unless otherwise indicated. You may not use any identification marks or any other "hidden text" that uses any of our trade names or marks without our express written consent. You may not also use any of our materials in a manner that is reasonably likely to cause confusion for our customers, and you may not use any of our materials to defame or cause damage to the reputation or interests of the Company in any way.

Shipping, handling, and delivery from the store

When using the website or mobile application, you can request that your product be shipped and delivered to you or picked up from the store. Many expenses are applied with respect to shipping or delivery from the store against the costs we incurred in handling such orders. Please review Shipping and Returns Policy.

Data ownership and privacy

For inquiries regarding data ownership and privacy and our use of cookies, kindly review the privacy policy that can be found on Privacy Policy and Service Terms.

Prohibited Behaviors

It is prohibited to publish or retransmit from or to the website any illegal material, threatening, libelous, defamatory, indecent, obscene, inflammatory, pornographic or profane, or any material can cause any legal, civil or criminal liability under the Law. You agree (1) not to use the website to upload, download or distribute in any way any files that contain a virus or corrupted files or any similar software or programs that could cause loss or damage to the operation of another person's computer (2) not to interfere or disrupt the website or any networks connected to the website (3) not to use any hardware or software or attempt to interfere in the course of work on the website or in any deals or transactions that are displayed on the website (4) not to use the website to collect or export personal information, including but not limited to, financial information about any other participants in the website (5) not to use the website related services and products for any illegal purposes (6) to comply with all the website related laws, regulations, policies, procedures or networks.

Products prices information

The prices displayed on our website or mobile application may differ from the prices available in stores or catalogs, and our prices may differ from one store to another. The prices on the website are offered in the local currency by the territory from which you log into the website or platform. Prices shown in the printed catalogues in the stores are in Saudi riyals and valid and applicable within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only. In case of any errors in prices on the platforms, website or mobile application (incorrect prices), we retains the right to cancel any submitted orders if the order or the item has incorrect price. If we need to cancel the order, we will inform you about our need to cancel or amend the order via the email address provided by you.

We also offer special promotions for our customers, which we refer to as "special offers" or "special offer" or "sales". This may include a gift with purchase, free shipping, manufacturer offers, or any other promotional activity related to the purchase of the product. These offers may be for a limited time only.

Limitation of Liability

Although we will strive to verify the validity of any information we place on our website or platform; however we do not make any explicit or implicit commitment regarding its accuracy or regarding any process that may be carried out through the website, in our stores, the mobile application, or the content of any other websites related to our website, where the website content is presented (as is) without any guarantees of any kind, whether express or implied, and you agree to use it at your own risk. According to the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Alabdullatif Furniture Company shall not bear any implicit or explicit liability, including, but not limited to, the implicit guarantees of promotion or validity for a specific purpose or goal, non-imitation, or any other guarantee related to violating the rights of a third party in relation to the website, content, privacy policy, information security or any product, goods or services available on the website, your use of the website, its content, or any products, goods or services available on the website.

Although our website follows the highest levels of information security standards, we do not make any representation that our website will not be interrupted, appropriate or error-free, or that these errors will be corrected, or that the website or the server is free of viruses or defects or it ensures the efficiency, accuracy or credibility of the website. We bear no responsibility for your losses, damages, costs, or expenses whatever its nature and how it arises including, any direct, indirect, general, special, punitive or incidental loss, or losses or damages arising thereof, or loss of data or loss due to virus, loss of income, loss of profits, losses or other damages (including costs and expenses) whatever its nature (even if we have been notified of the possibility of these losses or damages). 

Alabdullatif Furniture Company shall be entitled to amend or withdraw the content, wholly or partially, at any time and without serving any notice, and Alabdullatif Furniture Company may, at any time, review the terms and conditions of using the website and mobile application through updating this publication.

By using the website, you agree to comply with any of such amendments and revisions, and you expressly agree to periodically visit this page to be informed with the terms and conditions that you adhere to for using the current website. Alabdullatif Furniture Company has the right to review the order or cancelling thereof, or in case of unavailability of the quantity within 7 to 9 business days, you undertake that the usage of the website without the periodic revision of the website terms shall be at your own risks.

Our website, mobile app, or catalogs may contain typographical errors, inaccurate data, or omissions regarding product description, prices, or availability. We expressly retain the right to correct any errors, inaccuracy, or omission, and change or update the information at any time without prior notice (including, after your purchase order is sent). If you do not wish to pursue your purchase after correcting the prices or other information, please contact us immediately and we will work together to cancel or return the order. If you have purchased a product not as described here, the only solution is to return that product to us in accordance with the Return Policy. Please review the Shipping and Return Policy.

Arbitration agreement and the waiver of certain rights


To the maximum extent permitted by law applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you agree to indemnify and hold Alabdullatif Furniture Company harmless with respect to all claims, costs, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and legal costs) whatever its nature and type, arising from any actual or alleged violation of these terms by you or by anyone else has access to your account.


If you commit a breach of these terms and conditions and do not take immediate legal action, this does not mean that we have waived or no longer have the right to demand and confirm our rights as we are entitled to take our judicial proceedings at any later date.

Applicable law

These service terms and the relation between you and Alabdullatif Furniture Company are subject to the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and you agree that the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall have the jurisdiction over hearing any disputes arising thereof and waiver of any objections related to the jurisdiction forum.    

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string(291) "Terms and conditions of purchase from the Al-Abdullatif Furniture Store Dear customer these terms and conditions apply to your use of the website or mobile application Alabdullatif Furniture Company By logging into our website browsing using or registration therein you confirm that you have"
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Terms and conditions of purchase from the Al-Abdullatif Furniture Store:

Dear customer, these terms and conditions apply to your use of the website or mobile application (Alabdullatif Furniture Company). By logging into our website, browsing, using or registration therein, you confirm that you have read these terms and conditions and understood its contents and fully agreed thereof. Kindly verify this page regularly to see if our terms and conditions have been updated. Any new terms and conditions came into force when published on this website or mobile application.

Legal Eligibility of the User:

The user acknowledges that he is legally qualified and legally regulated to deal with the store, request services or purchase products, and that he is at least eighteen years old.

Intellectual property:

The website, including all information and its contents such as photographs, images, text, data, backgrounds, symbols, letters, artwork, graphics, page layout, form, music, audio, messages, programs, and code used to create the pages on the website (hereinafter referred to collectively as "materials") is the property of Alabdullatif Furniture Company or protected under intellectual property and other applicable laws.

You may not download, upload, copy, print, display, reproduce, publish, license, distribute or use any of the website's materials, wholly or partially, for any reason other than personal purposes unless under our prior written consent.

We are the owners of any trademarks, trade names, slogans, designs, addresses, or names or registered or unregistered products displayed or to be displayed on the website, and we are also the owners and holders of the copyright license in the materials on the website, unless otherwise indicated. You may not use any identification marks or any other "hidden text" that uses any of our trade names or marks without our express written consent. You may not also use any of our materials in a manner that is reasonably likely to cause confusion for our customers, and you may not use any of our materials to defame or cause damage to the reputation or interests of the Company in any way.

Shipping, handling, and delivery from the store

When using the website or mobile application, you can request that your product be shipped and delivered to you or picked up from the store. Many expenses are applied with respect to shipping or delivery from the store against the costs we incurred in handling such orders. Please review Shipping and Returns Policy.

Data ownership and privacy

For inquiries regarding data ownership and privacy and our use of cookies, kindly review the privacy policy that can be found on Privacy Policy and Service Terms.

Prohibited Behaviors

It is prohibited to publish or retransmit from or to the website any illegal material, threatening, libelous, defamatory, indecent, obscene, inflammatory, pornographic or profane, or any material can cause any legal, civil or criminal liability under the Law. You agree (1) not to use the website to upload, download or distribute in any way any files that contain a virus or corrupted files or any similar software or programs that could cause loss or damage to the operation of another person's computer (2) not to interfere or disrupt the website or any networks connected to the website (3) not to use any hardware or software or attempt to interfere in the course of work on the website or in any deals or transactions that are displayed on the website (4) not to use the website to collect or export personal information, including but not limited to, financial information about any other participants in the website (5) not to use the website related services and products for any illegal purposes (6) to comply with all the website related laws, regulations, policies, procedures or networks.

Products prices information

The prices displayed on our website or mobile application may differ from the prices available in stores or catalogs, and our prices may differ from one store to another. The prices on the website are offered in the local currency by the territory from which you log into the website or platform. Prices shown in the printed catalogues in the stores are in Saudi riyals and valid and applicable within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only. In case of any errors in prices on the platforms, website or mobile application (incorrect prices), we retains the right to cancel any submitted orders if the order or the item has incorrect price. If we need to cancel the order, we will inform you about our need to cancel or amend the order via the email address provided by you.

We also offer special promotions for our customers, which we refer to as "special offers" or "special offer" or "sales". This may include a gift with purchase, free shipping, manufacturer offers, or any other promotional activity related to the purchase of the product. These offers may be for a limited time only.

Limitation of Liability

Although we will strive to verify the validity of any information we place on our website or platform; however we do not make any explicit or implicit commitment regarding its accuracy or regarding any process that may be carried out through the website, in our stores, the mobile application, or the content of any other websites related to our website, where the website content is presented (as is) without any guarantees of any kind, whether express or implied, and you agree to use it at your own risk. According to the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Alabdullatif Furniture Company shall not bear any implicit or explicit liability, including, but not limited to, the implicit guarantees of promotion or validity for a specific purpose or goal, non-imitation, or any other guarantee related to violating the rights of a third party in relation to the website, content, privacy policy, information security or any product, goods or services available on the website, your use of the website, its content, or any products, goods or services available on the website.

Although our website follows the highest levels of information security standards, we do not make any representation that our website will not be interrupted, appropriate or error-free, or that these errors will be corrected, or that the website or the server is free of viruses or defects or it ensures the efficiency, accuracy or credibility of the website. We bear no responsibility for your losses, damages, costs, or expenses whatever its nature and how it arises including, any direct, indirect, general, special, punitive or incidental loss, or losses or damages arising thereof, or loss of data or loss due to virus, loss of income, loss of profits, losses or other damages (including costs and expenses) whatever its nature (even if we have been notified of the possibility of these losses or damages). 

Alabdullatif Furniture Company shall be entitled to amend or withdraw the content, wholly or partially, at any time and without serving any notice, and Alabdullatif Furniture Company may, at any time, review the terms and conditions of using the website and mobile application through updating this publication.

By using the website, you agree to comply with any of such amendments and revisions, and you expressly agree to periodically visit this page to be informed with the terms and conditions that you adhere to for using the current website. Alabdullatif Furniture Company has the right to review the order or cancelling thereof, or in case of unavailability of the quantity within 7 to 9 business days, you undertake that the usage of the website without the periodic revision of the website terms shall be at your own risks.

Our website, mobile app, or catalogs may contain typographical errors, inaccurate data, or omissions regarding product description, prices, or availability. We expressly retain the right to correct any errors, inaccuracy, or omission, and change or update the information at any time without prior notice (including, after your purchase order is sent). If you do not wish to pursue your purchase after correcting the prices or other information, please contact us immediately and we will work together to cancel or return the order. If you have purchased a product not as described here, the only solution is to return that product to us in accordance with the Return Policy. Please review the Shipping and Return Policy.

Arbitration agreement and the waiver of certain rights


To the maximum extent permitted by law applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you agree to indemnify and hold Alabdullatif Furniture Company harmless with respect to all claims, costs, proceedings, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and legal costs) whatever its nature and type, arising from any actual or alleged violation of these terms by you or by anyone else has access to your account.


If you commit a breach of these terms and conditions and do not take immediate legal action, this does not mean that we have waived or no longer have the right to demand and confirm our rights as we are entitled to take our judicial proceedings at any later date.

Applicable law

These service terms and the relation between you and Alabdullatif Furniture Company are subject to the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and you agree that the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall have the jurisdiction over hearing any disputes arising thereof and waiver of any objections related to the jurisdiction forum.    

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