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About Us

The history of Al-Abdullatif Furniture Company

Al-Abdullatif Furniture Company was established in 1385 AH in  Riyadh city by the famous businessman Sheikh Omar bin Suleiman Al-Abdullatif, with the activity of wholesale and retail trade of home and office furniture, carpets, curtains and decoration, and as a result of the economic renaissance and urban development that the Kingdom witnessed in that time, we have established many branches to cover our services all over the Kingdom. Integration has become one of our most important goals, and it is our core interest to provide everything new and integrated into the world of furniture. Therefore, we have established a group of factories specializing in the manufacture of furniture, carpets, and blankets, which are considered one of the largest factories in the Kingdom and the Middle East to serve our customers from the leading national companies.                                                                                            

The company activity

The activity of the company represented in: -

Home furniture

Office furniture


curtains and decoration   

The vision of the company

Our vision in Al-Abdullatif furniture to be a pioneer in our field and seeking to be one of the supporters of the national economy.

The message of the company

Seeking for providing the best services to the consumer and companies together by providing everything that is modern and sophisticated in the world of home and office furniture, carpets.

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The history of Al-Abdullatif Furniture Company

Al-Abdullatif Furniture Company was established in 1385 AH in  Riyadh city by the famous businessman Sheikh Omar bin Suleiman Al-Abdullatif, with the activity of wholesale and retail trade of home and office furniture, carpets, curtains and decoration, and as a result of the economic renaissance and urban development that the Kingdom witnessed in that time, we have established many branches to cover our services all over the Kingdom. Integration has become one of our most important goals, and it is our core interest to provide everything new and integrated into the world of furniture. Therefore, we have established a group of factories specializing in the manufacture of furniture, carpets, and blankets, which are considered one of the largest factories in the Kingdom and the Middle East to serve our customers from the leading national companies.                                                                                            

The company activity

The activity of the company represented in: -

Home furniture

Office furniture


curtains and decoration   

The vision of the company

Our vision in Al-Abdullatif furniture to be a pioneer in our field and seeking to be one of the supporters of the national economy.

The message of the company

Seeking for providing the best services to the consumer and companies together by providing everything that is modern and sophisticated in the world of home and office furniture, carpets.

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